Against The Wall Read online

Page 13

  “Who cares. Shel, go get our bags and meet us at the car. Don’t let anyone stop you to talk. You need to do this shit Mission Impossible style or we’ll never get out of here.”

  We’re finally home and it’s only then when I get a text back from Matty. It’s about time.

  Miss u 2. I’ll b bk 2nite.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Matty’s coming home,” I sing. “Matty’s coming home.” I chant this as I run around the living room. I jump up on my ottoman and do the Cabbage Patch dance as Mel and Tyler stare at me from the sofa. “Matty’s coming home.” Out of breath, I have to stop doing the Running Man. I collapse to the floor and try to calm myself.

  “Maybe we should go to your place,” Tyler says to Mel.

  “No way. I want you to meet him,” I say.

  “Um. I don’t think so. I really don’t want to be a room away from my baby sister doing the nasty.”

  Mel chimes in, “They’re not doing it.” He looks at her confused. “I know. It’s this agreement they have. And you gotta remember. They’re not a couple.” She holds up her air quotes for emphasis.

  An hour later, Matty arrives bearing gifts. Four pints of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, all in different flavors. Mel and I fight over the Chocolate Fudge Brownie. I win since my friend brought the goods. She takes the Cherry Garcia. Matty let’s Tyler choose from the last two, and he goes for some cookie dough brownie concoction. Matty is left with a mint Oreo duo.

  “Damn, sis, tell the guy you love him already.” Tyler says, devouring his ice cream. “I do.”

  “Haha,” Matty chuckles. “She told you, huh.”

  “Mel did,” Tyler responds.

  “So what’s going on with you two anyway?” Matty asks them.

  But I answer. “About twenty years of pent up sexual tension, finally released. It was bound to happen eventually, I guess.”

  Matty slides the spoon from his mouth, and I want to taste his lips right now. “It’s funny how you talk about it, Shel. It doesn’t bother you that your bestie and your brother are hooking up?” I shake my head. Of course not. “But I doubt Tyler would let his best friend anywhere near his little sister.”

  “No fucking way. I’d kill’em,” Ty says, with a loud chuckle.

  “You guys are funny. You look alike and you have the same choice of words,” Matty tells us. We do look alike. We have the same green eyes, small nose, and brownish hair. Although, his is a little more on the blond side. I have more freckles than he does though, on my nose and under my eyes, if you look really close. Ty has none. He got the height though, taking after my dad. My petite frame came from my mom.

  Mel loves his perfectly gelled hair, and the tiny mole he has under his right eye.

  I’ve never really thought about the way we talk though. Pretty soon, Matty’s going to be cursing every other word too.

  “So, you’re my sister’s friend. Not her boyfriend, but you stay over every night,” Tyler begins the inquisition.

  “I guess you could put it like that,” Matty says.

  I toss a pillow at Ty. “What are you? Dad, or something?”

  “It’s okay Shel,” Matty says, patting my leg.

  “Well, it just seems a little weird you’re here with her every day. You’re not having sex, supposedly. And you’re okay with her going out with other guys. It’s just odd,” Tyler continues.

  “It’s not like she’s gone out with anyone I need to be worried about.”

  I butt in, “But I could if I wanted to.”

  “Sure,” he pats my leg again.

  “Why do you say it like that? You don’t think I can find a decent guy to go out with me? Someone who would be worthy enough to make you worry?” I ask him.

  Matty responds, “It’s not like that, Shel. I think plenty of guys would want to go out with you, but it’s not like you’re looking. And look at Jacob, you didn’t even give him a chance. Not that I wanted you to. I just don’t think you’re really into finding someone else.”

  “Yeah, you should have seen her last night. My mom tried to hook her up with some guy in a suit and Shel scared him away with talk about beer bongs,” Ty explains through a light laugh.

  “I didn’t mention beer bongs, that was Mel,” I remind him.

  Mel giggles. “No, you said something about shot gunning a beer. That’s much worse.”

  Matty laughs with the rest of them, shaking his head. “See what I mean,” he says.

  “Fine, when you least expect it, I’m gonna go out with some hot guy who will have you shitting your pants with nerves that I’ll choose him over you.”

  “Go for it,” he tells me, and kisses the top of my head. My heart melts, and I realize Matty’s not going to have to worry about crapping in his pants anytime soon. I’m just as wimpy as my bro and I haven’t even gotten laid yet.

  “This is some really good ice cream, Matt,” Mel says. “Thanks so much. It totally hit the spot.” My best friend is trying to squash the conversation, like Matty did with the peck to my head. I’m grateful to her. I wouldn’t call it an argument but it’s as close as we’ve come to one.

  Tyler looks over at her. “Did you finish the whole thing already?”

  “No,” she replies. “But I’m going to.”

  I think about my mother. “I probably shouldn’t. My mother’s giving me an effing complex,” I say as I swirl the ice cream around in the container.

  “Why?” Matty asks.

  Tyler answers, “My mom told her she’s getting fat.”

  “No, you’re not,” Matty says, taking offense to my mother's words. If he's going to stick around, he's going to have to get use to it. After a pause, he continues, “And it wouldn’t matter if you did.”

  “Good answer,” Mel tells him.

  “I haven’t been working out lately. I need to start running again,” I say.

  “I’m in,” Mels says through a mouthful of Cherry Garcia.

  “Me too,” Matty adds.

  Tyler adds, “I’ll run with you for a few days, but then I’m heading back home.”

  “What happens with you two then? When you go back home?” I ask.

  Mel and Tyler look at each other. They both shrug. “Nothing, I guess,” Mel responds.

  “Things go back to the way they were,” Tyler agrees.

  “Well that’s jacked up,” I tell them.

  Mel puts her hand up, “Don’t go making a big deal out of this, Shel. We got it handled.”

  Matty and I leave the two fuckbirds alone when we finally finish our pints of ice cream. And yes, I finished mine. So what if I’ve gained a few pounds. It’s not like I’m borderline obese or anything. At a very comfortable size six, I’m anything but.

  Once the door is shut, I hook my fingers in the waistline of Matty’s shorts and pull him toward me. I put my arms around him and run my hands up and down his back, feeling his muscles beneath his shirt. He runs his fingers through my hair and I look up at him.

  “I really missed you,” I tell him.

  “Me too.” He cups my face in his hands and leans down to cover my mouth with his. Our lips lock together again and again. He doesn’t go for the tongue right away. Instead, he puckers his cool minty lips to mine, and I taste the sweetness.

  “So are you ready for your Christmas present?” he asks, with a soft kiss to the tip of my nose.

  I pout. “Hey, I thought we weren't going to do gifts?”

  He nods. “I know, I know. Don't get too excited though. It's more like a gag gift.”

  I practically do the Cabbage Patch again, “Cool, I got you one, too.”

  I run to my closet and come back with a giant box of Rice Krispie Treats with a big red bow on top. Matty's eye light up like I just gave him his very first tricycle. “Look, there's ninety of these little suckers in there, enough for the rest of the school year.”

  He hooks his arm around my neck and presses his lips hard to mine, pulling away with a “muah” sound. “Thank you, Shelly, I love it

  Then, he goes to his bag and unzips the side pocket. He comes back with a wrapped box the size of a sandwich.

  He places it in my hands and gestures for me to open it. I tear the paper, and my mouth drops in surprise. I've always wanted one of these. My eyes well up. Something so simple can also be so thoughtful.

  I stand on my tiptoes to pucker up for him. He bends down to meet my lips. “Thank you, Matty. Every time I use this I'll think of you.”

  “Well, that’ll be everyday,” he says teasingly of the orange slicer he bought me. He sets his box down and takes the kitchen gadget from my hands and places it on my dresser, then reels me in for another hug, lifting me off the floor and leaving my feet dangling in the air.

  “Let’s get ready for bed,” I tell him.

  We go through the routine of me using the bathroom first. I brush my hair and my teeth, and wash my face. I put on a soft cotton tank nightgown and walk outside. He’s already in his boxers lying on top of the comforter, looking beautiful, and already dozing off. Poor guy is probably beat after such a long day.

  I put my hand on his leg. “Matty, it’s your turn.”

  He opens his eyes, and smiles at me. “Be right back.”

  When he returns to bed, he throws his big arm over me and slides me across the bed to him. I love it when he does this. It’s likely I purposely lie down on the other side of the bed just so he can reel me in every night. I snuggle in with my back to him. He squeezes me tight and kisses my neck.

  “I missed this so much. I’m getting very used to having you in my bed,” I tell him.

  “Is that a bad thing?” he asks.

  I put my hand on his, as he holds me. “I don’t think so.”

  “I think we’re doing things the right way, Shel,” he says into my ear.

  “What do you mean?”

  “We know we can sleep together and be content. As much as I want to make love to you, it’s nice to know our relationship is based on more.”

  “I get it. Like when I was missing you, I missed your presence. Your smile, your hugs, talking to you. It’s not like I needed you because I was horny.” We both let out a low chuckle. “I’m worried about Mel. I don’t think she and my brother thought this through very well. I think she’s going to be hurt when he leaves.”

  “Maybe. But she’s a big girl. She knew what she was getting into. Maybe she wanted a little attention without having to have another husband right away. Maybe this will be good for her.” He kisses my shoulder and starts to bring his hands up to my breasts. And then he pauses. “Do you hear that?”

  We’re still as possums trying to play dead. I try to focus on listening. “Oh son of a … fuck.” I need to get a new bed frame for the guest bedroom. The creaking sounds are killing me. “I should have sent them to her house. How the hell am I supposed to … exist … listening to that?” We’re silent as we listen again. “I need earplugs.”

  Matty reaches over for the remote on the end table. He turns on the TV and increases the volume. “There. Better?”

  “I think I should take some Benadryl to knock myself out.”

  “Turn around and let me help clear your mind.”

  I whirl around and face Matty. “Umm ... sounds perfect.”

  He runs his hand along my side and just the touch of his fingertips makes me feel lightheaded. He cups my ass and warmth spreads from between my thighs down to my toes. Working his way back up to give some attention to my breasts, he pauses and I hold my breath in anticipation. We gaze at each other, lustful, wanting more but knowing we’re not ready for the next step. Not just yet.

  And definitely not right now. As much as I want him, I’m fighting to keep my eyes open.

  “Matty, there’s nothing I want more than to get naked with you and make out like we only have five minutes to live … ”

  “But … ,” he says.

  “I’m so tired,” I cry out.

  “Oh, Shel, I’m fucking exhausted from the drive,” he sighs. “We should have come to bed a long time ago.” He falls to his back, I rest my head on his shoulder and wrap my arm around his waist.

  “Hold on,” I say. I reach my face to his, and plant a kiss on his lips. “Good night, Matty.”

  “Good night, Shel.” My lips brush his once more before I scoot back down to my spot.

  I get comfortable again, with my cheek pressed to his broad chest, and my hand resting in the band of his boxer briefs. He strokes my hair gently until I fall asleep watching very loud reruns of Friends on the TV.

  Chapter Fifteen

  A knock on the door wakes me from my night of peaceful rest. I hate to think I need a man to be happy, but I sure do sleep a hell of a lot better when Matty is next to me.

  “Yeah,” I yell. Matty moves around and throws his arm and leg across me. The feel of his warm skin on me stings with wanting. I could spend all day kissing these arms and legs and never get bored. His strong arms and big hands make me feel so protected. His muscular thighs and bulging calves, I could explore them inch by inch taking in the flicker of sunlight on the coarse golden hair of his sunkissed legs. He’s beautiful.

  “Wanna go to breakfast?” Tyler yells, bringing me back to reality.

  Matty opens one eye to look at me. He licks his lips and I’m thinking we should pass on breakfast. He tilts his head questioning. I shrug. He says, “Why not? Let’s spend time with your brother before he goes back.” Damn it. He’s right.

  “Give us a half hour,” I shout to my brother.

  I hear his footsteps walking down the hall.

  “How did you sleep?” Matty asks, pulling me closer to him and pressing his warm hard body against mine.

  “Like a baby.” I cuddle into him, spooning him like we’ve just made love.

  “Me too.” He kisses my neck. I tilt my head to give him full access. He brushes my hair aside and I feel his tongue trace along the side of my throat before a row of kisses line my shoulder. “I don’t want to get up.”

  “Too late,” I tell him rubbing my behind against his friend who is bidding me hello.

  “Hey, that’s just nature talking. Morning wood,” he releases a slight chuckle.

  As much as I want to stay right where I’m at, we’re running out of time. So I roll over and off the bed. “Yeah, that’s what they all say.”

  When we get to our favorite eatin’ place, Matty runs in to a few of his buddies from college. We ask them to join us and they do. So now’s there’s six of us crowded into a horseshoe shaped booth.

  The waitress comes around to take our orders and I order a classic ham and cheese omelet with a side of home fries and biscuits and gravy. Okay, so my mother’s comment did not have her desired effect. I’m still eating like usual. Maybe I will try to squeeze in a run later.

  “So you guys are a bunch of geniuses, huh? If you went to CM,” Mel tries to make small talk.

  The guys grin at each other, shrugging off the compliment.

  Matty answers for them. “I wouldn’t say geniuses. We all just studied a lot in high school and had high test scores. No different from you.”

  “Haha, you must have heard some lies about these two,” Tyler weighs in. “They did anything but study. Unless you call keg parties and making out in the back row of movie theaters, studying.”

  “That’s so not true,” I say. “We didn’t have kegs at the parties, just lots of bottles, and it wasn’t always the last row.”

  “And don’t forget drunken football games,” Tyler adds.

  “Hey, we were pretty tame though. Mel’s dad’s a cop so we couldn’t have too much fun,” I say, laughing.

  Everyone begins to share their crazy high school and college moments. Matty woke up in his own vomit after his first frat party. Mel lost her underwear at a park her senior year. Jason almost made out with a dude who he thought was a girl in Hollywood. He says there’s not a day that goes by he doesn’t thank Matty for getting him out of that mess. He didn’t exactly share how he got into the
situation in the first place but I’d love to hear the full story sometime. Jackson reminded them of when they went to a nudie bar and one of the girls had toilet paper stuck to her crotch. Wow! That has to turn a fella on. Tyler says his worst memory is walking in on Chase and me having sex in my bedroom. Why he chose to tell that story is beyond me. I have to remind myself to kick his ass later.

  “Want me to sock him, Shel?” Mel asks me from across the table.

  “Yes, preferably in the balls,” I reply.

  Our food comes and we make small talk through bites of a mouth-watering breakfast. Matty’s friends mesh well with us and they’re not too hard on the eyes either. Jason is short and stocky, but lean at the same time. With very blonde curly hair, green eyes, and super tanned skin, he looks like he belongs on a surfboard. I suppose his board shorts and Hurley shirt lend itself to that theory. He has very soft features and dimples when he smiles. I seriously can’t picture this guy in an office all day.

  When we’re finished with our food, we all have disgusted looks on our faces. My stomach is so stuffed, there’s no way I can run today. Or maybe even tomorrow. What I need is a nap.

  “Son of a shithole, I don’t think I need to eat for another week,” I tell the group.

  “I second that,” Matty says, patting his belly.

  “Thankfully, I haven’t found a place as good as this at home or I’d be a hundred pounds heavier,” Tyler says.

  We all sit and chat, letting our food settle, telling more horror stories from the past.

  Then Jackson asks, “So how long have you been dating Fuller?”

  “Oh, we’re not dating,” Matty says. I wasn’t even going to go there, but whatever.

  “Really?” Jackson says.

  Matty and I both say, “Really.”

  “So you wouldn’t mind if I asked Shel out then?” he questions Matty.

  Matty gestures to me, “Be my guest.”

  “Well, thanks for your permission, Dad,” I say, sarcastically.